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User Manual

Node Types

There are three types of nodes:

Partitions of Compute Nodes

Run the command `sinfo` to see which nodes are available in which partitions.

Job Submission Policy

Example 1: User1 submits a job to node GPU5 in the Extended partition. Later, User2 submits a job to node GPU5 in the Contributors partition with an “#SBATCH –exclusive” option. User2’s job will preempt User1’s job

Example 2: User1 submits a job to node GPU42 in the Contributors partition. Later, User2 submits a job to node GPU42 in the ScoreLab partition with an “#SBATCH –mem=180GB” option. User2’s job will preempt User1’s job

Example 3: User1 submits a job to node GPU42 in the Contributors partition. Later, User2 submits a job to node GPU42 in the Contributors partition with an “#SBATCH –exclusive” option. User2’s job will wait until User1’s job finish to execute